Filtered Exhaust Fans are excellent for use where filtered intake or exhaust air is required. They efficiently supply clean, filtered air for OEM machinery and equipment markets such as pressurizing electrical cabinets. They are also an economical choice for small non-ducted paint spray booths.

The Americraft Model 900 CAF – Filtered Exhaust Fan is designed with a filter box section that enables easy replacement of filters. We use high capacity 2” pleated filters that meet MERV 8 rating. There are a total of 9 sizes available to meet a variety of CFM requirements.

CAF Exploded filtered exhaust fan

What is a MERV Rating?

MERV ratings are defined by an ASHRAE Standard 52.2 test. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. This comprehensive test utilizes a series of steps to determine the efficiency level of filters to capture airborne particles of various sizes both upstream and downstream of the filter.   The MERV rating uses numbers between 1 and 16 along with air velocity to categorize the amount of particles being captured by the filter. The higher the MERV Rating on a filter, the better job it will do to prevent the least amount of airborne particles to pass through it.

CAF Closed filtered exhaust fan

The Tradeoff of a Higher MERV Rating

Higher MERV rated filters have smaller pores, which are efficient at capturing airborne particles but not efficient for allowing proper air flow.   Reduced air flow due to highly restrictive or clogged filters can negatively affect air quality and possibly cause damaging pressure on the fan. The periodic checking of the filter’s condition can’t be ignored and must become part of a routine maintenance program.

Contact our office to learn more about the Americraft Model 900 CAF – Filtered Exhaust Fan. We would be happy to help you in all aspects of your air moving needs.